Nagisa ni Saku Hana (2022)

Nagisa ni Saku Hana is an LGBT-themed movie about a woman named Ayaka who skipped work one day and unexpectedly found herself in the company of Nagisa, a resident of a fishing port.


  • Kodama Haruka as Nagisa
  • Kaneko Sayaka as Aoki Ayaka
  • Nakamura Yuichi as Shun
  • Baba Ryoma as Akiyama
  • Akai Hidekazu as Tetsuji (Tecchan)

Thanks to my friend for discovering this movie. I fell in love with the cinematography and the soundtrack within the very first minutes, so I knew I had to sub this hidden gem.

This movie is dedicated to my good friend F <3

Huge thanks go out to sisca for helping me with the QC and Kansai-ben. I'm forever grateful as always.

Softsubs won't be shared publicly for this one as it was earsubbed and some lines were quite tricky. However, raws and subs are available to all my friends and Tumblr followers, just drop me a DM.

Lastly, I hope you enjoy this beautiful movie!





Some explanation behind the title:

Hana ni Saku Hana can be translated as "flower blooming at the beach/shore" which makes use of the kanji of Ayaka's character (彩花) who has the kanji for "hana" that stands for "flower", and Nagisa's character (渚) who has the kanji for "nagisa" which stands for "shore". In a way the title of the movie foreshadows the movie metaphorically, so you'll need to watch to see what it means!  

