Sotsugyou, Kimi to Wakare... (2014)

Arata and Hayato were high school lovers, but drifted apart after graduation. Years later, they run into each other and reconnect.

Another project from my backlog done! Hope you enjoy this rare movie now subbed.

From Love Place label which is behind older movies such as Candy and Kiss, Docchi mo Docchi, O-edo no Candy, Shiawase no Katachi, Hakanaki Kataomoi and many others.

Official title: Graduation, Parting with You...


  • Setoguchi Hiroki as Satou Hayato
  • Kitagawa Yuki as Hayakawa Arata
  • Isogai Ryuko as Riku

I tried researching the other cast and got some names, but let's just say some people don't want to be associated with this one XD Well, it's hard to find a trace for some of them and really confirm their identity since it's more of an obscure one.

Special thanks for the raw goes out to PannenkoekenNL, may he rest in peace. Without his contributions, many of the older BLs wouldn't have been possible to watch for most people.

Note: This project is earsubbed, so there may be some errors. If you spot any, kindly let me know.

Please be warned that this movie is not for those who don't handle sexual content well or those underage. There isn't much actual nudity in this movie, but there's sexual content. You've been warned, so watch at your own risk.




