One corner within a radius of 3 meters (2019)

LGBT-themed short movie about self-acceptance and workplace behavior.
The original title of this short movie is 半径3メートル以内の片隅で.
Well, subbing this short movie proved to be more difficult than I expected, so excuse any errors as always. This is yet another earsubbing project, so don't kill me if there are errors.
Some explanation for the title:
The 3-meter rule is often used in women's magazines to describe relationships, but it's especially used for the workplaces and the relationships you have with the people there. If you don't like any of the people in your 3-meter radius, it hinders your chances of career advancement and influences you negatively. Most of the time, if you don't enjoy the people close to you, you're more likely to quit the job, too. The key is interacting beyond that 3-meter radius radius or trying to change your location altogether.